Welcome to Paydirt, your go-to source for expert insights and savvy strategies in public affairs, lobbying, communications, and marketing. Brought to you by the 76 Group, we’re here to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of influence and engagement.

Surviving a PR Crisis

Surviving a PR Crisis

Warren Buffet famously said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. This is especially good advice to keep in mind when your organization is hit with a PR crisis – and all organizations are vulnerable to a crisis that could impact...

Are you talking to the right people? Part II

Are you talking to the right people? Part II

Now that you have recruited compelling messengers and tailored the message for each audience, it’s time to determine the most effective delivery method. An integrated communications strategy that focuses on traditional media – newspapers, radio, TV – is still...

Are you talking to the right people? Part I

Are you talking to the right people? Part I

At the beginning of the legislative session, you teed up an expert lobbyist, put together a compelling narrative and created a list of sincere individuals to share their moving stories to lawmakers during bill hearings. That’s a great start. What many organizations,...